El zapateo en las tradiciones afrocriollas de la costa peruana: una mirada a lo musical
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The present article is a musical study of the zapateo as a form of sonic production in two differentiated musical traditions from the Peruvian coast: the zapateo hatajo de negritos and the zapateo criollo. To this end, we have framed the social field of practice between the local tradition and the urban artistic spaces of Lima, recognizing the performative traits as well as differentiating elements of each case. Centrally, we propose the study of sonic-musical elements from both traditions, analyzing the instrumental guitar line and the use of a tabladillo platform in the zapateo criollo, and the violin line, voice, and bell in the hatajo de negritos. Parallel to this, we delve deeper into the distinctive musical expression of the zapateo through transcriptions focused on the performative-musical actions of the zapateador, which, from a musicological perspective, discloses the musical relations produced between the rhythmic patterns of the musical ensemble and the variety of timbres produced by executing different elements in the zapateo. Finally, through explanation of the differentiating elements of each tradition, we recognize the common aspects and expand to a discussion of an Afrocriolla practice as spread across the Peruvian coast.